Monday 16 November 2009

Finished Product!

This is the finished film opening for my group, Group 4.

we actually made two finished videos one with a voice over and one with an alternate ending because we were told our opening was hard to understand.

we found the one with the voice over made the opening very comical witch we did not like.
The alternate ending helped explain the ending and we think makes it allot clearer therefore it is the one we decided to use.

Alternate ending:

Voice over:

1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

1st shot: This is an establishing shot of the setting where the opening takes place. Three people are seen sitting in a car and their identities are hidden. The shot was colour corrected and this plays into why you can't see the characters faces

2nd shot: We used a 4 point garbage matte in order to make the reflection of the smoker dark and once again so you can't see his face. The shot was also reversed so the cigarette is brought down at the start of the shot.

3rd shot: This is the title of our film. It rolls down with Rob pulling down his balaclava and rolls up again to reveal a panning down shot of Elliot sleeping.

4th shot: We gained a lot of praise for this shot. We lit a roll-up cigarette and put it hanging out of an ash tray. We changed the camera setting to manual focus and changed it so the foreground (roll-up) is focused and the background (Elliot and bed) are out of focus .

5th shot: This was one of the few shots where we used the dolly provided by the media department. A slight tint of red was put on the clip when the shot gets to the room where Max is sleeping and starts of blue in Elliott's room.

6th shot: Again a 4 point garbage was used to tint out the windscreen. The shot shakes down in a transition we created in the edit. This meant we had to keyframe the garbage matte so it fits the windscreen for every frame of the transition.

7th shot: This is an other shot we received praise for. This was one of the shots where we used the fish eye lens. The camera was placed on the dashboard and the shot was arranged from there.

8th shot: This shot was collected after the official shoot day whereby Rob and Elliot went to town and filmed this shot. It's placed outside a bank as this character is meant to be waiting to pull of the heist. In the alternate ending the shot is edited with a dazzle effect and is shown as a flash back as the script was tweaked for the alternate ending

9th shot: This is a panning shot of Max walking out of the house to the car. We timed this shot so Elliot behind the camera would signal Rob of when to open the window as Max arrived to the car.

2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For this I chose the character that is played by Max, who at the end of the opening is revealed to be working with the people inside the car, rather then the people inside the car coming for him. This character is the only person in the car who's face is seen, suggesting he will play a large role in the film as it necessary for him to be followed throughout the opening.
Like Hans Gruber, Max plays a character that is calm, and knows thoroughly what he is doing, and both are committing an armed robbery. Max plays a character that is confident and gets about his day like any other with no problems, and his confidence is shown on screen, while Hans is also very confident, stating in 'Die Hard' "I am an exceptional thief". Both characters dress smart, as not affected by the possibility of being seen by cameras and want to be seen as someone with smart taste, Hans in 'Die Hard' compliments the suit of a man he is about to kill, saying "It would be a shame to ruin it", displaying a calm ruthlessness in both characters, as Max calmly takes the gun from Rob at the end of the opening.

3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

this video is the Commentary version of our finished film opening.

4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

In media we created the target audience for our film, the ideal person that would go watch it, to aim towards in advertising.

We went with the main characters in 'Superbad'

How old are they- 17 and a half
What are they called- Rolliax
How do they dress- Casual, Hoodie and jeans
Where do they live- Anywhere on earth
What do they spend their money on- Games (Quake, COD, Halo), clothes (Hoodie and jeans), movies (Snatch, Kidulthood)
Where do they watch films- DVD, internet, cinema
What kind of music do they like- Pop music (So solid crew), download music
Leisure time- Socialising, facebook
How much TV do they watch- 2-3 hours per day
What is their favorite film- Pulp fiction

5: How did you attract/address your audience?

This is the annotated version of our finished film opening

6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This was our Timeline at the end of our project.
using Final cut i found it to be a very exciting and easy to use program with everything set out for the user.

Other online and computer programs we used were: youtube, flickr, blogger, final cut,photoshop and vimeo

Tuesday 10 November 2009

7: Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

During our preliminary task i learnt a couple of rules to do with video editing. for example match on action shot.

A match on action shot is for example a shot from two sides of a door, you shoot someone opening the door and walking in from the outside and then from inside film them opening the door and walking in. When you edit a match on action shot you cut the shot of the person walking though the door at at a point, then match the angle of the door opening from the other side.

Below is a match on action shot from the preliminary task and my film opening.

opening from inside.

opening from outside.

we didn't rely have any dialog that wasn't a voiceover so we couldn't use the 180 degree rule.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Creative Risk!!!

The Creative Risk my group took was using the three of us to play six characters.

The risk was: People watching the opening may see the three of us play two people each.

The benefit of this was: We did not have to bring in any other people to help us out which would of taken up time.

Taking both points into account i think we made the right decision, Because we did not have the time to spear finding actors and we managed to conceal our identity for the robbers.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Feedback for Christina & Angelica

L3 - GROUP 1 (Christina & Angelica) Film Opening Rough Cut from cmdiploma on Vimeo.

first off i like this opening and think the soundtrack rounds off the atmosphere and creates a almost creepy uncertain of what is going to happen feeling.

I think the shaky affect on the titles at the beginning (production company ect) makes the text a little hard to focus on.

the way the sequence is shot makes the viewer almost in awe of every little detail, for example the bolt on the door.

The only think i think could be improved on this is the text at the beginning and the fade from the close up book shots at the end.